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10 oz Scottsdale STACKERĀ® Silver Bar .999 Silver #A182
Buy It Now Price: $365.69
Watchers: 6850
Time Left: 9 days 9 hours 53 minutes 47 seconds

20 oz .999 Silver Bullion Long Cast Bar by Scottsdale Mint #A397
Buy It Now Price: $713.37
Watchers: 5639
Time Left: 5 days 9 hours 27 minutes 11 seconds

1 oz .9999 Gold Bar by Scottsdale Mint in Certi-LOCK COA #A389
Buy It Now Price: $3,060.60
Watchers: 5559
Time Left: 17 days 3 hours 44 minutes 8 seconds

1 oz Silver Bar - APMEX (Lot of 5 Bars)
Buy It Now Price: $184.80
Watchers: 5453
Time Left: 20 days 3 hours 42 minutes 50 seconds

Old U.S. Estate Coin Lots - Rare US Coins - Gold / Silver / Proof + BONUS!
Buy It Now Price: $24.95
Watchers: 5161
Time Left: 2 days 6 hours 27 minutes 22 seconds

10 oz Silver Bar APMEX .999 Fine
Buy It Now Price: $357.70
Watchers: 5011
Time Left: 5 days 33 minutes 58 seconds

FULL DATES Roll Of 40 $10 Face Value 90% Silver Washington Quarters
Buy It Now Price: $253.66
Watchers: 4947
Time Left: 19 days 9 hours 54 minutes 7 seconds

10 oz. Silver Bar - Random Brand - Secondary Market - .999 Fine
Buy It Now Price: $351.49
Watchers: 4895
Time Left: 7 days 7 hours 41 minutes 24 seconds

Lot of 10 - 1 oz Silver Bar by APMEX .999 Fine
Buy It Now Price: $358.70
Watchers: 4657
Time Left: 5 days 2 hours 6 minutes 35 seconds

FULL DATES Roll of 20 $10 Face Value 90% Silver Walking Liberty Half Dollars
Buy It Now Price: $256.06
Watchers: 4653
Time Left: 16 days 5 hours 43 minutes 2 seconds

American Gold Eagle (1/10 oz) $5 - BU - Random Date
Buy It Now Price: $333.82
Watchers: 4649
Time Left: 11 days 9 hours 55 minutes 41 seconds

1 oz Hand Poured 999 Silver Bullion Bar "Cube" by YPS - Yeager's Poured Silver
Buy It Now Price: $49.85
Watchers: 4335
Time Left: 18 days 6 hours 13 minutes 48 seconds

Buy It Now Price: $38.99
Watchers: 4142
Time Left: 24 days 2 hours 2 minutes 41 seconds

FULL DATES Roll of 20 $10 Face Value 90% Silver Franklin Half Dollars
Buy It Now Price: $256.06
Watchers: 3707
Time Left: 16 days 5 hours 49 minutes 58 seconds
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