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Waterproof Canvas Fabric Heavy Duty Outdoor Cushion Cover Material By The Meter
Buy It Now Price: £1.49
Watchers: 9359
Time Left: 20 hours 59 minutes 2 seconds

Fabric Dye/Paint. For use on clothes, upholstery, furniture, car seats, canvas
Buy It Now Price: £12.00
Watchers: 8479
Time Left: 11 days 20 hours 12 minutes 5 seconds

Premium CRUSHED VELVET FABRIC Craft Stretch Velour Material 150cm Extra Wide
Buy It Now Price: £2.49
Watchers: 7934
Time Left: 3 days 5 hours 15 minutes 49 seconds

PLUSH PLAIN VELVET Upholstery Cushion Curtain Fabric and Buttons 40 COLOURS
Buy It Now Price: £0.99
Watchers: 5750
Time Left: 22 days 4 hours 55 minutes 26 seconds

All Purpose Spray Paint Aerosol Matt Gloss Satin Primer Metal Wood Plastic
Buy It Now Price: £2.49
Watchers: 5396
Time Left: 1 days 19 hours 38 minutes 27 seconds

Clear Cello Card Bags Self Seal - Cellophane Display Bag for Cards & Photos - UK
Buy It Now Price: £3.59
Watchers: 4661
Time Left: 25 days 19 hours 42 minutes 24 seconds

25m/50m Double Sided Faced SATIN Quality Tying Ribbon 3,10,15 & 25mm Widths
Buy It Now Price: £3.09
Watchers: 4610
Time Left: 15 days 3 hours 9 minutes 21 seconds

Time to Sparkle 26MX29CM Organza Roll Fabric Wedding Chair Sash Bow Table Runner
Buy It Now Price: £10.99
Watchers: 4477
Time Left: 8 days 11 hours 37 minutes 55 seconds

Casting Resin Water Clear Kit - moulding, casting ,crafts -BASIC
Buy It Now Price: £11.95
Watchers: 4425
Time Left: 23 days 41 minutes 45 seconds

Acrylic Paint Set Tube 24 x 12ml. 3 Free Brushes.perfect For Canvas,Wood,Ceramic
Buy It Now Price: £7.99
Watchers: 4345
Time Left: 9 days 1 hours 43 minutes 32 seconds

Plain Soft Linen Look Fabric Curtain Material Dressmaking Upholstery 145cm Wide
Buy It Now Price: £1.49
Watchers: 4073
Time Left: 8 days 58 minutes 13 seconds

100% Knitted Jersey Cotton Stretch Interlock Fabric Material Made in UK FREE P&P
Buy It Now Price: £1.25
Watchers: 4021
Time Left: 23 days 21 hours 10 minutes 1 seconds

Mixed 100% Cotton Fabric Material Joblot Value Bundle Scraps Offcuts Quilting
Buy It Now Price: £6.99
Watchers: 4018
Time Left: 26 days 21 hours 13 minutes 40 seconds

Faux Leather Fabric Soft Material Grained Waterproof Leatherette Upholstery Car
Buy It Now Price: £1.49
Watchers: 3999
Time Left: 8 days 16 minutes 39 seconds

Reed Diffuser Oil Refill - Fine & Designer Fragrances Highly Concentrated! 100ml
Buy It Now Price: £2.75
Watchers: 3841
Time Left: 24 days 6 hours 42 minutes 9 seconds

FAUX LEATHER Fabric Leatherette Material Leathercloth Waterproof Upholstery Car
Buy It Now Price: £1.49
Watchers: 3836
Time Left: 10 days 23 minutes 52 seconds

ALL IN ONE Leather Colourant Paint Dye to Replace lost Colour in your Leather
Buy It Now Price: £9.95
Watchers: 3790
Time Left: 23 days 21 hours 17 minutes 55 seconds

1000 Crystal Silver Flat Back Acrylic Rhinestones Gems Diamante 3 4mm for Craft
Buy It Now Price: £1.75
Watchers: 3700
Time Left: 17 days 1 hours 10 minutes 23 seconds

3mm Polka Dot Collection 100% Cotton Fabric, Sewing, Craft, Spots ROSE & HUBBLE
Buy It Now Price: £0.99
Watchers: 3695
Time Left: 20 days 21 hours 17 minutes 5 seconds

Buy It Now Price: £1.49
Watchers: 3678
Time Left: 8 days 1 hours 16 minutes 57 seconds
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