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King George III 1738 Token Coin Gold Lustre Shopping Vintage Antique Old Retro
Buy It Now Price: $10.08
Watchers: 30
Time Left: 13 days 6 hours 39 minutes 56 seconds

Middlesex Anti-Slavery Conder Penny D&H 234bis, RR
Current Price: $2.77
Bids: 2
Watchers: 25
Time Left: 4 days 5 hours 45 minutes 37 seconds

WWI A War to End All Wars 1914-1918 5 Coin Collection Including The Double Gold
Buy It Now Price: $548.67
Watchers: 23
Time Left: 25 days 1 hours 24 minutes 17 seconds

1790 Calendar Token The Sunday Figures Ex-Cleaned Marks c14.5g (ref #50)
Current Price: $2.04
Bids: 3
Watchers: 22
Time Left: 3 days 22 hours 43 minutes 36 seconds

100x DnD Metal Coins + Bag Silver & Gold Fantasy Coins Games Tokens Cosplay D&D
Buy It Now Price: $27.74
Watchers: 22
Time Left: 8 days 18 hours 31 minutes 42 seconds

Rare Original Sydney Luna Park Brass Token Circa 1960's - Collectors Item
Buy It Now Price: $7.62
Watchers: 22
Time Left: 24 days 14 hours 53 minutes 13 seconds

LEONARDO DA VINCI Collectors Album/Token/Medal .999 Silver. VITRUVIAN MAN
Buy It Now Price: $10.08
Watchers: 21
Time Left: 2 days 4 hours 7 minutes 13 seconds

Manchester or Liverpool Choose yours Each Token has its own Pictures
Buy It Now Price: $12.60
Watchers: 21
Time Left: 25 days 5 hours 6 minutes 58 seconds

1797 Calendar Medal Sunday Figures c13.5g (ref #48)
Current Price: $2.04
Bids: 3
Watchers: 20
Time Left: 3 days 22 hours 41 minutes 36 seconds

Rare Darwin Man and Monkey £2 coin good condition.
Buy It Now Price: $163.97
Watchers: 20
Time Left: 20 days 4 hours 55 minutes 22 seconds

x1 Ten (10) Commandments Coin Minted (US Silver Dollar Size) 39mm UNC Alloy USA
Buy It Now Price: $4.78
Watchers: 20
Time Left: 17 days 18 hours 23 seconds

THE MALLARD Collectable Medal/Token, 24ct Gold. Iconic Steam Engines/Locomotive
Buy It Now Price: $10.08
Watchers: 19
Time Left: 2 days 4 hours 5 minutes 4 seconds

Buckinghamshire Aylesbury Conder Halfpenny D&H 7, Anti Slavery
Current Price: $1.51
Bids: 2
Watchers: 19
Time Left: 4 days 5 hours 27 minutes 37 seconds

1813 GB 1 Penny Token AUNC
Current Price: $14.92
Bids: 8
Watchers: 19
Time Left: 3 days 19 hours 40 minutes 37 seconds

Middlesex, Thomas Spence, Rights of Man, Thomas Paine Halfpenny (Ref. d0722)
Buy It Now Price: $151.36
Watchers: 19
Time Left: 27 days 3 hours 23 minutes 57 seconds

ACE Cafe Gaming Token Bikers 1960's 59 Club London double ace coins Quantity
Buy It Now Price: $4.31
Watchers: 19
Time Left: 23 days 22 hours 16 minutes 30 seconds

Coventry Barbados Wilkinson Leeds Choose yours Each Token has its own Pictures.
Buy It Now Price: $8.82
Watchers: 18
Time Left: 23 days 4 hours 17 minutes 49 seconds

NO RESERVE The Globe Little East Cheap 17th Century Traders Trading Token London
Current Price: $30.84
Bids: 4
Watchers: 18
Time Left: 5 days 4 hours 58 minutes 37 seconds

Half-Penny Token, Choose Your Coin, each has own picture and weight
Buy It Now Price: $37.83
Watchers: 18
Time Left: 14 days 23 hours 19 minutes 7 seconds

Old Coin Weight William c4.01g (ref #43)
Current Price: $6.41
Bids: 2
Watchers: 17
Time Left: 3 days 22 hours 36 minutes 36 seconds
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